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Through our special projects, Just Gumboots supports educators in their mission of development, creativity, discovery and living together with students. Discover our programs below:

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Taking  up a musical and artistic challenge

Taking  on a group challenge
Simulating a show scenario.

Stimulating awakening and creativity to achieve a goal in a well-defined time.

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At the heart of our CROIXANCE program, the approach is in a pedagogy that promotes self-transcendence through self-confidence.


For an entire week, a Just Gumboots coach will come to your school for a series of workshops and large gatherings with the aim of building resilience through challenge.


On the last day, under the supervision of the coach, students will have the opportunity to organize their own show in the presence of teachers and parents.

School tours

The rounds are advantageous because they make it possible to pool the costs for the schools. The artist travels once in your region and can perform his services at all schools in the region.


The tours are given in series of workshops, animations or gatherings. Students have the opportunity to create their own show.


Ideal for:


  • School service centers

  • Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Classes

  • Whole school

  • Classes with special needs

  • Training centers for adults or professionals

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For a period of 1 to 4 weeks, the artist Gumboots puts the boots in your home and makes your school his new residence!


The RESIDANCE program focuses on cultural mediation in schools through the arts. Students will develop the artist in them   through the artistic experience and artistic creation of our Gumboots professional.


At the end of the program, each child will have the opportunity to highlight the talent and skills acquired for the complete creation of a show.



  • Primary and Secondary classes

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